Can I keep a Rabbit?

aren't rabbits kept in cages? I would think their nails scrapping the glass would drive me crazy


Yeah a rabbit fish is doable.Just get a small one.They seem to be fairly slow growers,so I think you'd be alright for a while.
Just keep away from those spines though,they dont feel good when they stick you.
the sad part is that I really thought he was talking about rabbits until seconds after I posted and remembered that maybe it was a rabbit fish.
I have a 2 barred rabbitfish in my 72 bow with a 30 gall refug. He seems great in there and has a real good temper. Easy to maintain and loves to eat. The only thing bad about mine is he craps non stop causing little nitrate spikes. Good fish though. Went with the 2 bar because everyone has the fox face.:bounce:
it would drown.

Actually, I think you'd be fine with a small rabbit, as long as you're prepared to give it up when it gets bigger. Tell you what, my rabbitfish is my favorite one, has a ton of personality, and I would have a hard time giving him up. He eats out of my hand, is very curious, and overall a very interesting fish. Mine is a "one-spot" - the yellow ones with the black spot on the back.

They are pretty active swimmers, so make sure you have a clear "run" in your tank for him to exercise. I'm planning on upgrading to a 120 next year, because they can get fairly large.