Calcium help


Reefing newb
Don't know what to do next. I have a 125 gallon with 20 gallon sump 225 pounds of live rock and anenome that came with the rock from an existing tank. One rock has a polyp on it and it looks healthy. Tank has been up about five months, and never really cycled. I took about30 gallons of water with the live rock. Ammonia and nitrite have always been on 0. Nitrates are 20 ppm.I have six small fish and no other coral. Also a cleanup crew from Foster and Smith. Coraline algae growing on the rocks. There was some growing on the back of the tank but now that is green. I got a new evolution LED light hanging over the tank about 18".I have on a timer 10 hours a day. I will be getting another when funds permit. I did 2 15 gallon water changes in the last week. Yes I use RO/DI water, but not on the initial fill up.
calcium 360
alk 7.7
magnesium 1110
calcium 340
alk 6.1
magnesium 1050
started dosing two-part from little fishes. And magnesium concentrate maximum dose according to instructions.
alk 7.3
magnesium 1080
I thought after a week I would have much better readings. I don't know what to do, should I just continue for a while or can I up the dosages.
If you dont have any corals that need calcium there is no need to dose, and i would try and double check your readings to see if your test kit is bad.
I had my LFS double check my readings they were very close.
The reason I am dosing is to get the calcium up so I can add some corals.
Unless you are added either a clam or serious amounts of SPS corals, i wouldnt worry about your levels. That is plenty fine for softy and LPS corals.
With your magnesium being so low, you'll have a hard time keeping calcium up. I'd start with raising that to 1350, but do it by increasing it in 100 ppm/day