Bubble tip anemone question


I am a girl
I've had my bubble tip for a couple months now, and I know that it's normal for them to shrink and shrivel when they are excreting waste, but mine shrivels up about every night and all day long the day after I feed it (I feed it on Wednesdays and Sundays). So much that it's tentacles become about 1 cm long and as thin as string and they all just hang loosely around its mouth. Is it normal/healthy for it to be this way this often? When it's not shriveled up it is pretty large (about 8 inches in diameter) and colorful (green and pink) and eagerly takes food... Just wondering.
After an anemone eats and is actually full there is no reason for it to try to catch food ie extend tentacles. I have seen several anemones do this and it is usually caused by feeding either too much or too large a piece of food try smaller feedings or cut the size down considerabley and if you need to feed more often. Just my :twocents:
I dont have any experience with anenomes but have read that water quality will effect how much they have to excrete their waste. So if it is doing this often, maybe try more frequent water changes?

From my experience:

Is you anemone moving around in your tank???

My anemone had the same problem and was moving around my tank.

I added more light and started feeding once a week

This fixed my problem. :bounce:
It was moving up until about 2 weeks ago. It has been stationary since. I am doing 12 gallon water changes once a week, and I upgraded my protein skimmer a couple weeks ago too (I got the Aqua C Remora Pro w/ Rio 1400). My nitrates are down to 10, since I've been running the nitrate sponge 24/7. Maybe it needs some time to recover from when my nitrates spiked a couple weeks ago... It's funny, because in the last month my kenya tree has tripled in size and astrea and cerith snails have had babies! So I don't know if the water quality is too bad.
A few weeks ago my nitrates got high when I went out of town for five days and left my fiance in charge of the tank (I think he must've overfed), they were up around 40, so I've been doing larger water changes to get them back under 10 ppm.