Bubble Algae


It wasn't me!
I was about to frag off some Orange Bam Bam's and discovered green bubble algae on the colony. I initial thought is to pull the colony and scrub it off in a bucket of tank water, then rinse with RO. Anyone have any better suggestions or ideas?

I would move the frag into a little container of tank water and carefully remove them with tweezers. Then put the frag back in the tank.
I agree with Sarah and Dave. I had to do that with my dendro's when I first go them. I put them in a small container of tank water and did the tweezer routine. Then I did a quick dip in RO water to clear it all off since there were lots of BA spores in the container.
That was basically my idea, I guess "scrub" was the wrong word to use. I did get them off, then used a dental pick to get the remainder that was stuck to the plug. So we'll see what happens today as far as if they open back up and no more signs of bubble algae.
This is true. Long ago, I commandeered NDB's instruments from his old Army med kits. I told him to deal with it, I'm saving corals' lives!!! :p