brissle worms


part time reefer
i just tried to catch a brissle worm that is almost a foot long :grumble:should i try and get it out or leave it and if i should get it out what is the best way. this thing is as big around as a pencil.
The choice to remove the bristleworm is up to you.I too don't like the large bristleworms either.I'm not sure whats the best way to remove them.The last time I removed a giant bristleworm,I removed the rock and flush it out with pliers...never touch one with your barehands-those bristles sting.The also sell those traps,not sure how well they work though.
i tried to use tweezers the wife was not happy about that, but as soon as i touched it it was gone before i could squeeze them together. i may just leave it will they cause any harm being that big
I didn't recommend doing that because it will kill the good too.Brittlestars,pods,beneficial bacteria but yeah,you could flush it out with freshwater.
Hell, it's just one rock in the whole tank. Wasting a few pods and some bacteria is a small price to pay in order to get rid of a foot-long bristle worm.

Flush that sucker with tap water!! :bounce:
Leave that worm alone.He wont hurt anything.
The bigger the bristle worm,the more waste it needs to eat to survive.The more waste it eat,the less waste to break down in your tank.Just my 2 pennies.
But I dont bother my bristles,not even the big ones.
That's creepy. It's up to you if you want it out or not. It won't hurt anything, and it will help keep your tank clean, but all the benefits provided may be outweighed by its creepy factor.
i dont really care how big it is what my concern was is it safe being that big. so i think i will leave it in there and i just found another one also i wonder how many of them i have that are that big??