Brain troubles


Reef Junkie
I need some help with a brain. The owner of the store filled me in that it is not doing well and he did not have the time to nurse it back. He told me that if it does not recover, that he will refund the money I paid(he sold it to me cheap because of its health) or give me the amount back in fish or corals. I did a 20% water change yesterday while it was acclimating, and I just did a 10% water change today. I'm trying to get my no3 down as much as I can. It was at 10 before the 10% change. What can I do to get it healthy again? I only have my 2 blue lights on it right now to not stress it so much and my moon lights on at night.

How? I have just the 2 blues on during the day. How long should I do that for until I turn on the 2 t5 whites? And its not extending its tentacles hardly at all to feed.
You can't feed it unless it extends its tentacles. :)

Try putting it in a shaded area. If you can't, what you are doing now is the correct approach -- starting with low light and gradually working your way up. You don't want to shock it.

There really isn't much you can do except wait and see if it gets better. It looks in pretty bad shape to me, and brains can be difficult to recover. Usually once they deteriorate to that point, they just waste away until there is only skeleton left. Good luck with it, at least it has a shot with you!
Leave the blues on for a few days and then turn the whites on only for a few hours and gradually increase the white lighting time. One of my brains was looking very shriveled up so I just thawed some food and turned off all the flow and squirted some water with the food at the brain. Waited a few mins until I saw some kind of response to the food and then placed some food on the brain. Mine seemed a lot happier after that. Yours does look pretty bad but it's worth giving it a shot.
Thanks. The guy said it didn't stand a chance if it stayed at the store. The only reason I bought it was because he said he would refund my money if it died. I thought I would give it a shot and try to save it.
I hope it makes it for you, but if it doesn't at least you will know it wasn't something you did and you'll get your money back!
So I talked to the lfs owner and gave him an update on the brain. I informed him that it hasn't extended its tentacles, it has lost a little more tissue, and it has some algae growing on parts of the exposed skeleton. He confirmed that it is probably way too far gone to bring back and I should take it out of the tank. So that's what I did.
He is supposed to be making another order this week. Hopefully he will get fire fish in and pistol shrimp. I want a bubble coral but Idk where I'm going to put it. Lol