Blue Throat Triggerfish update

Well - I drove 90 minutes to pickup one on Saturday- He's a beauty, about 3.5 inches, super blue throat with striking yellow fins and tail. Cost= $79.99 with local 10% discount for being a member of the local reef club- so basically no tax, shipping. He is looking good so far- although no eating yet. He seems interested, but only mouthed some mysis so far. Not too shy - even stayed out for a picture - will try to post- but I am digitally camera incompetent- never seem to be able to download/post correctly. Any feeding advise??
It's really rare to hear of a trigger that won't eat. Give him a few days, once he gets more comfortable he should readily take to food. You can also try soaking the food in garlic extract (which is an appetite stimulant for fish).

You can also try silversides or clam strips.
I've seen triggers at the LFS that would even look at mysis,but get fired up when you dropped in a silverside.