Blue tank


Reefing newb
Hello all, so ive had my tank up and running for a couple months now, everything looks great but I'm wondering one thing ,how to get my tank to get that really nice blue tint to it like I sed in videos(mr salt water guy) and other member post, I'm unsing 2 12000 k 150 w mh and 2 30 w azoo actinic, mine just looks bright it doesn't look very blue, even with the mh off and only actinics on it still doesn't give me the look in looking for. Any suggestions?
The higher the kelvin rating on the mh bulb, the more blue it will look. You can try a 20k mh bulb to get that blue look you're looking for. And the 30 watt bulbs may not be strong enough on the tank to make a difference.
I always thought that the 2 actnics t8 weren't strong enough, I bough the whole set up from somebody and they really don't make any difference with the metal halides on, i always wondered what the purpose was because i dont think the wattage on thr actnics go any higher for the size,should I even have them on, or is it just a waste, should I try to add lights or are my mh fine, I currently have the acs on for about 12 hours and the mh for 10, any suggestions?
When you say the actinic don't look very blue what exactly do you mean? I don't have much experiance with fluorescent lighting, but the actinic blues on my LEDs are like crazy neon blue.

T12 bulbs don't tend to be very bright, so they might just not be powerful enough to make a difference... I do agree with Smitty. You should try a 14k or 20k MH. Now I'm not sure howww blue you want it, but 20k is quite blue. :Cheers:
i had that problem with my last tank my 125g reef i wont get that blue look to it. i had 2 mh .. i added t5s and no were close to the color blue..
in my new tank i went with t5s no mh .i got the color i wanted..
if you do change the bulb make sure that its not to blue..i would try a 12k
theres something to help you out.