bigger sump

Im getting a bigger sump for my tank,but the problems is that I dont want to take all the water out,can take out 3 boards from the side and re_ enforce it will 2 2x4 boards will it work.
I'm kind of in the same situation. I'd like to install a 55gal sump under my 125 but I'd have to remove the middle brace, which is 2 2x4s screwed in with 8 long screws from the top and bottom. The only way to remove it would be a saw, which I fear would put too much vibration on the tank and could possibly cause a catastrophe. I think I'm just going to measure and get the biggest sump I can fit, or get two and plumb them together.

In your case, I've seen where they build a large arm that comes off of the center to suppor the center brace out further while the sump is installed. It's a risk but it might work.
We have a stand similar to yours, with a similar problem. My husband took the molding off the top and bottom and the sides just kind of popped right out. He reinforced it before he put it back together.
I have the same stand the boards on the side are just just stapled in their on the top and bottom. I just took a little pry bar and took them out put my sump in then put the boards back in and used a wood screw to hold them back in.
You can do what I did and build your own sump out of acrylic. Its really not too hard and you can build it to whatever dimensions you like. I had the same dilemma, I wanted a bigger sump but couldnt find an aquarium narrow enough to fit in my stand. After researching how to build an acrylic aquarium, I decided to give it a shot. It turned out great and was kind of fun to do. Theres plenty of info on the web how to do it if you google it. This way you dont have to modify your stand, which can result in disaster.