Best test kits


Reefing newb
I want to know what you're using. I have a Red Sea master kit for Mg, kH and Ca and I'm not convinced that the readings are correct.I tested all 3 tanks at home and got the same for Ca for all 3 tanks. I know this can't be right, I have 4 lps, 1 sps and 8 leathers in the 57 and there has to be a higher Ca use in there. I'm going to be looking for a new kit so I want to hear what you have to say. I value word of mouth and experience over manufacturer hype.
For price. Strong colour change and ease of use. -- sailfert for all. Except phos = Hanna checker
Hanna checker for phosphate, calcium and Alk. Red Sea for mag. I used API for everything before and was happy with the kit. The Red Sea master kit is also a good kit to use.
I want to know what you're using. I have a Red Sea master kit for Mg, kH and Ca and I'm not convinced that the readings are correct.I tested all 3 tanks at home and got the same for Ca for all 3 tanks. I know this can't be right, I have 4 lps, 1 sps and 8 leathers in the 57 and there has to be a higher Ca use in there. I'm going to be looking for a new kit so I want to hear what you have to say. I value word of mouth and experience over manufacturer hype.
I just ordered the red sea reef foundation pro- (mg/ca/kh)have a few tests left on the seachem/api/saifert kits,will compare
results-hope I did not blow $46.00
Well, apparently My readings were a tad off the first time. Had a friend come over with his LaMotte kit and we retested with both and came up with the same readings. So my mag, cal and alk were a little low. Been adding it back slowly and the corals are perking up every day.