Best Skimmer

No one knows what the best skimmer is. No one ever did side by side tests of all of them, but of the 1 controlled test that was done on a few skimmers, the most expensive doesn't mean the best.

If you got some spare cash, here's a nice 1.
Aquarium Specialty
Woah, ccCapt! That one's just a tad bit out of my price range... ;)

I'm not even sure I want to purchase a new skimmer, it's just that right now I have a HOB skimmer (because I don't have a sump), but I'm going to do a sump set-up within the next month, so now I'm considering getting an in-sump skimmer and selling the HOB skimmer.

The HOB skimmer works great, but it makes a lot of noise and isn't very attractive sticking out over my aquarium. The aquarium is in my bedroom, so the less noise the better. I figured that an in-sump skimmer would be less noisy since it would be inside a cabinet.

If I do get a skimmer, I was looking at spending tops around $200. I'll check out the $50 skimmers later. Thanks guys.
Best skimmer in the saltwater hobby?

Well, MINE of course. :mrgreen:

Opposite end of the spectrum from the one ccCapt posted. It was $48 shipped to my house and it works friggin' GREAT!! Comes with a needle wheel powerhead, a nice intake strainer with airline and thumbscrew air adjustment. It comes with 2 black foam pre-filters. The outlet is adjustable so you can control the foam height in the venturi - skim wet or skim dry with the simple twist of a plastic knob on the outlet pipe.

They include a U-shaped plastic pipe so you can hook up the pump remotely - I assume this is for HOB operation. Since I decided to use mine in-sump - I screwed the pump fittings to the skimmer body, installed the suction cups and slapped it down.
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I have an Octopus HOB now, and I have no complaints. So an Octopus skimmer would be a definite consideration.

Also, I may try to move the HOB to the sump, it's just that the water-level in the sump is going to be too low...

I like the skimmer you posted RCpilot! (and thanks to Cathic, too!) NICE prices! And it has worked well for you? I might just get one of those, that is, if Biff hasn't bought them all. ;)
Mine works flawlessly. It's IN THE SUMP though - so I don't care if it overflows.

It took a couple weeks to really break in and start producing dark brown skim. It has an air adjustment thumb screw and a water outlet knob on top to control how much water it dumps out. By adjusting that knob on top - you can control how wet or dry your skim is. It's very simple to adjust and has been flawless so far. I had it overflowing a couple times when it was brand new and I was being impatient - trying to tweak it to skim perfectly when it was still new and not coated in slime yet.

It's by far the best $50 I EVER spent in this crazy hobby. For a cheap skimmer - I'm positively shocked how well it has performed. I know there are probably WAY better skimmers on the market. But I don't think you'll find a $50 skimmer anywhere that works this good right outta the box. I didn't have to mod a darn thing. I was fully prepared to mod it. I knew I was taking a risk with a cheap skimmer from a company with very questionable customer service policies. I kinda figured something wouldn't work right and I'd be cutting holes in it or modding it in some fashion. Haven't touched it. Plugged it in, got it adjusted to skim kinda wet for a week. Then turned the outlet knob to adjust the flow back a little. It started producing good skim on the second week and it just gets better and better with time.

But take my comments with a grain of salt .... This is the first in-sump skimmer I've ever had. It's thin acrylic, so it's not going to handle rough treatment. Honestly, I don't know how people manage to break skimmers - it's sitting in the sump for pete's sake - how the hell do you mangle it and snap it in half?

I had pretty low expectations. I only had my CPR HOB AquaFuge PS with built in skimmer to compare with. Honestly, not a lot of skimmer experience for me. But I'm impressed as hell with this one.
I can't hear it at all.

I have it in a 20L sump. The skimmer compartment 12x8 and it is 10" deep. I should have built it 12x10 and 10" deep. Built the sump before I had the skimmer - wouldn't ya know it - too damn short by about 1/8" :frustrat:

I cracked a baffle SHOVING it in there. So when I move next week I'm going to drain the sump anyway to transport it. I'll just slice that baffle out and silicone a new one in there - about 1/4" over to the right. :frustrat: :mrgreen:
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Thanks again, Chris. I'm working with a bowfront cabinet without much room, so I wanted to make sure it would fit (and that it's quiet). Good luck moving!