Bermuda Triangle Order


Reef enthusiast
John at bermuda is in the process of ordering me some things and the prices he has got me so far seem to be very reasonable. At or just above Premium Aquatics, close enough for me to support the local guy.

He is looking up the following products for me and Bryan:
1)Tropic Marine Pro Coral Cure Iodine Dip
2)Tropic Marine Pro 200 Gall Salt Mix
3) Salifert Calcium Test Kit = ($24) Premium (22.99)
4) Salifert Alkalinity Test Kit = ($15) Premium (13.99)

He will have prices for the first two items tomorrow, I told him he can have the salt ordered ground so it might take a week or so to get here to save on shipping.

If your interested in anything please let me know.
yea thats the price he quoted me on the test kits.... i can get him to order for other stuff too if your interested.
That's a good price then. Honestly it was like you read my mind. I have been looking to get those two test kits. Right now that is all I am in the market for. Thanks Brandon. Let me know when he needs the money and has them in.