Before I Buy


Because I'm clever
Coralife Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture

I just wanted to know if they are any good. I'm updated my lighting so I want to get something good that will not brake the bank. Well to much at lest to where I'll be eating cat food and crackers for the next 2weeks. I ask because I have see that some of the threads here when coralife is brought up its face is almost instantly smeared with :pooh:.

So yeah are they all around :pooh: or hit and miss or lights good PS bad ? I don't know but I just want to make sure I get something good enough for what I want to have. I think i read some where on here they had a fan issue? bah hmmmm now for your input here

By his sig a 29g, or am I reading that wrong?
nah your reading it right. the hood for it is 24"x12-1/2". It was a hand built tank made taller than wide unlike most 29g's you see in shop's. So all in all its as wide as most 20's just 9g taller lol. Don't ask me the reason of it my late Step Father made the tank for me back when I was 16 (which was 14 years ago) I think it was because of the space it was in.

But yeah I just want to get out of the stone age and get more up to date with my lighting. I was thinking of doing a custom but I don't have the time to do it. Just like the stand I drew plans for. I'd love to build it but don't really have the time. so yes any inexpensive route I'll look in to. Meaning I don't want to spend more than $200 with shipping.

because I'm already hurting my self with the 75g that I walked through with biff that is going to end up being my show tank and this one will be my privet in my bedroom tank to replace the TV because the new place will have a game room and the 52" is going in the game room. but enough of that any suggestions will be dully noted :Cheers:
150w mh from fish need it would be geart buy for $139, you would be able to keep w/e you want. but i do recomend hanging it instead of the plastic mounting arms if you do go for it, it gets vary hot so if you use a lid or plastic it will melt it if its not a foot/foot n a half away. i use a 250w mh from fishneedit and it works great.

here is mine with a 14k light and i have the 2 led pods for lunar light so i can see it when the mh is off