Banded star fish


Reefing newb
My banded star seems to stay in one place, I can drop food down to it but it seems to dislike cockles, also my Blue Starfish (linckia Laevigata): has not been seen since it was put in the tank 3 weeks ago, I have been informed that you should not put one in your tank unless it's been set up for 6 months at least? :frustrat:
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my starfish didnt move for 4 days, they often do that. And with linkias, its very hard to say when to put one in, mine went in after 1 month of the tank running and is in perfect condition but it works on a tank by tank basis i guess.
My starfish doesn't move from his one spot in the tank. He's been there since the day after we got him. He's clearly alive and is obviously eating so I guess he just found a spot he liked. If it ain't broke...
I've seen my stars sit under the rock and not move for a month.Like Josh said,In some tanks,they are pretty active.In others they just seem to be lazy.