Banded Long Spine Urchin


Reef pro
Scientific name - Echinothrix calamari

Family – Diadematidae

Common name – Hatpin Urchin

Max Size – 9 in (23 cm)

Range: Indo-Pacific

Care Level – Moderate

Temperament – Peaceful

Foods and feeding – Juveniles will eat algae, adults will eat other invertebrates

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – With Caution

Captive care – As a juvenile the urchin can be very helpful member of your clean up crew, but as it gets larger it will eat other invertebrates and will no longer be reef safe. Because of its large size it needs to be in a larger aquarium with secure rockwork. It is mainly nocturnal. Like all invertebrates it is extremely sensitive to nitrates and copper, and small amount are fatal to it.
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