Bad smell


Reefing newb
I seem to have a little problem that is going to cost me my bed till i solve it.This morning i noticed an odor in my living room and it was deffo my aquarium.Any idea how to solve that? It smells like when u get on a slipway the smell of the algae and stuff.
Everything is alive, just the Algae issue i got and now i am starting to think thats the problem, my wife send it smells like the ocean. To me it smells like Algae.Will try the water change.I am also having problems keeping my Calcium above 380 i think it was.
What kind of algae issues are you having? Is it an outbreak that is taking over rocks /sand /glass?

Water test results?
Inhabitant list?

Need more info here
Yeah outbreak took over rocks glass and part of the sand, but the rocks are clearing up the ones on the glass are growing longer and the sand is ok now. The parameters are perfect only my calcium is a bit low but the basics are all good. My CUC are 4 Nassarius snails, 2 pepermint, 1 spiney urchin,1 sally lightfoot,1 emerald crab, had 3 bristle start but cant find them anymore like last time i saw them was like 2 weeks ago.
You need to up your snail CUC and be sure to add some nass snails. Also if you have 3 brittle stars be sure you are feeding them, your tank wont be able to support all of them on their own. That could be what died if you havent been feeding them.
The stars appeared once only under the live rock but that was it for them.What do i feed them I dont know if they are still alive have not seen them.Cant hook up filters here in the apartment complex so been doing it the old way with the water conditioning liquid.
Are they the tiny ones? In that case, dont worry. But they will take any large meaty piece of food. I though you were talking about the larger ones you normally buy in a LFS.

And using tap water is for sure contributing to your algae issue. Many LFS and even grocery stores sell RO/DI water for 25-50 cents a gallon
If you have an RO/DI unit, you can get an adapter for your sink and hook it up to that. I did it and it works great! And +1 on adding more snails. You might want to add some astera, turbo, and cerith snails too - or just go to and get a package that is right for your tank size.
Ahh nice will do that.Ty lots for helping out.

There is a thread that I started a few weeks ago called "RO/DI trouble" or something like that - and someone replied with a link to pictures on how to set up a connector to the kitchen sink - I followed his instructions and it worked like a charm! I'll see if I can find the thread and bump it up for you. It was a huge help!
Just out of curiosity is it the tank or do you have a skimmer on the tank? Skimmers if not cleaned often really put out a smell through the house..
just looking at some of your other posts. Might have something dead in there with the big temp swings with lighting issues.

Does your tank have a Top, do you have enough gas exchange? enough movement of water? sponge in filter clogged with junk?
I got it its the water i was trying to figure out when i started seeing the algae and noticed it was after i did a 30% water change and the next day it started. Gonna head to store and see if i can find some distilled water to top it off.That is the right water right?