Avoiding a cycle


reef junkie
The 60 cube tank I am purchasing comes with a mated pair of Yellow bar Maroon Clownfish. I have bought a ten gallon tank to quarantine them in. I have requested to take some of his water, sand and rock for the ten so I can avoid cycling this tank and stress them as little as possible. Is this the correct thing to do?

Also, I made a three hour trip (one way) to get my liverock back from my sister yesterday. Packed it in some buckets and turned around to go back home. LOL Long drive, but it's nice rock. :bounce:
For the small QT tank, ya that will probably avoid the cycle, but I would skip the sand. Generally when you move a tank, you want to get rid of the sand or clean the crap out it. Moving a sand bed can cause horrible nitrate problems that can take months to clear up. I would save a few cups of the sand just to seed the new sand bed.