
Your tank will do a lot better if you change at least 10% once a week.
I like to change 15% a week on my 75,but thats just my personal choice.
I think your safe to add the clowns to.
If you haven't done a water change since you set your tank up then you need to do one. If you have and it's been more then a week do one then get the clowns.
I am going to do a water change today. should I clean the bio balls or the filter at the top of my wet dry filter? should I clean the filter on the bottom of my power head or just change the water?
you dont have to clean off the bio balls near as often as you have to do water changes. you should be fine there
Definitely clean off your powerhead. Anything dirty on it will impede the flow. I would clean 1/2 the bioballs and do the other 1/2 next time.
should I be safe changing some water today and adding fish the same day? or should I wait a couple days? do I need to mix my solution in mu bucket and let it sit over nigt or can I add it rigt away
you will get mixed revieews on it. i think its mostly hype. i have done it both ways. it would be good to let it sit in a bucket or trachcan (watever you use) with a powerhead or something overnight or throught the day. but you dont HAVE to. you will be fine either way
just make sure there are no salt crystals in there that its totally dissolved. you also want the temp of the water to be as close as possible to the water in your tank. so dont leave it in a cold garage overnight or anything, except your in florida so i guess you dont have to worry about that
You can use your hand to mix saltwater if thats all you have.I mix mine like that when I get lazy.
If your using distilled or RO then your ok to use it right then.If its RO/DI then you'll want to let it sit a few hours with a power head in it before you use it.
I like Red have done mine both ways.
My water preparation technique varies based on how lazy I'm feeling. But generally I let it sit for a day or so before adding it to the tank.

Why? I have no real reason that has convinced me that letting it sit and "mix" for a day is any better than letting it sit and mix for an hour, but people who have good looking tanks have told me to do it. So...there you go :twocents:
I've done it both ways all depends on if I want to get it done and over with. I've even mixed my saltwater up in advance and used it whenever. I just get it to right temp before I add it to the tank. You can mix it with just about anything as long as it's NOT metal. Believe me the longer you gt into this hobby you'll learn what works and what doesn't.