Are snails always round???


Seahorse Whisperer
Ok, this morning I'm looking at my tank and for the second day in a row I notice these tiny little snails that look like little conch shells. They are almost all greenish. They were definitely not noticeable when I put stuff into my tank last week. Either they were spawned in my tank or were microscopic when I put them in. So, what are these things? Being from Florida, I notice the shape as conchs but the color is way different than any shell I found washed up on the beach! As always, thanks for any help you can give me.

I just did a quick google to discover that they are also called columbellidae snails, or dove snails. Columbellidae refers to a taxonomic group that includes over 5000 snails... little was stated about the nature of these creatures and their compatibility in a reef though the general consesus seemed to be that they live in the reef in nature. I would guess from their size and what little I could find that you are probably safe with them but I would recomend that you keep an eye on them. Also, check out the Cerith snail as they look similar. If you discover that you in fact have Cerith's consider yourself lucky. They are a great addition to your CUC and having them growing in your tank as they are without predators will allow them to prosper and save you the cost of buying them later.
Snails hitch hike in to tanks, hidden in live rock. You'll find more weird things that you never saw before, as your tank matures.

Most snails are helpful and good for tank, but a lot are not.

If you see sundial snails or whelks, those are the most common bad guys.