Are canister filters any good?

Not usually. This morning I was awake at 3 am. So I have nothing else to do but lay in bed when I can't sleep, and lately I have had a lot of trouble sleeping. I usually go online in the evenings. When I have some downtime during the day, I read through the forums on my phone.
ok I see glad you guys didn't mad for me asking.
go troll somwhere else.

The only one trolling here is the one creating pointless threads cluttering up this forum and irritating its members, sound familiar? (hint: it's not me)

My financial situation is none of your business, suffice to say I can actually afford my tank, I dont need to talk about imaginary people buying a tank for me
the only one trolling here is the one creating pointless threads cluttering up this forum and irritating its members, sound familiar? (hint: It's not me)

my financial situation is none of your business, suffice to say i can actually afford my tank, i dont need to talk about imaginary people buying a tank for me
ok now i'm sick of you! I am in fact getting a tank and a family infact is buying a tank for me so get out of here jerk!
So I'm aiming for 8 or 11 because you obviously don't understand how being an adult is, for you to ask 1. how we can pay for our tanks (it's called work); 2. how we are on here 24/7 (we have time and access); and 3. how we get forums at work (it's called a computer and internet). Chill out little dood. Go play outside or something. Better yet, you have a whole library at your a book about saltwater tanks!
So, I must say, I thought everyone was being a bit harsh on the OP. Then I had a chance to read through all of the posts and I must admit spongey is a bit ignorant. The grammatical issues were enough to raise a concern but it is clear that he has no idea what it takes to manage a tank. I have a 29 gal biocube and I can't believe how much money I've sunk into this tank. Only after 2 years have I finally reached a steady-state with three fish that i finally feel comfortable ( and understand that the situation could change tomorrow).

Good luck. Taking the advice here, although very difficult to hear sometimes, is well worth it and will save you a lot of money down the road.

Hey, look through the threads here in livingreefs. We put up with a lot of repetitive questions with no problems whatsoever. I, too, sometimes don't feel like searching. But when the person asking the question gets arrogant or starts calling people here names, of course we will jump on you. Most of the people who get pissed off at our answers are the same ones who eventually say that they know what they're doing....ok, so why ask?
So, I thought about this a while. This is my only advice to any new aquarium keeper. After you have purchased all of your equipment and at the point you think you are ready to invest in fish, perform the following. Regardless of your income (and trust me it doesn't matter - if you can afford a $10 fish each week you'll spend $20 and if you can afford a $50 fish you'll spend $100) collect all of the money you have at the end of week. Out of this money, take $10 and put it aside. With the remaining money, flush it down the toilet. Spend the $10 on a Saturday night dinner. Repeat this process for a year. At the end of a year you will have managed to imitate what it's like to own a basic tank. If this feels comfortable, then by all means purchase a tank. Good luck with a small tank. From my experience a smaller tank (less than 55 gallons) is actually quite troublesome due to the temperature and salinity fluctuations. I have found that a 30 gallon tank requires a chiller to avoid expensive losses. For a bigger tank you will need larger pumps, more sand and live rock, more lighting, etc.

I will not continue to feed the troll. This is just the advice I give to all of my friends and family when they see my tank and ask how easy it is to maintain. I'm quite happy with my tank now and seem to have found a great balance (for now) but I understand that this will likely change. I've considered taking the whole setup down on numerous occasions due to cost, algae, power failures, etc., but I'm committed to making this work. If you can commit to this level then I wish you the best.

Google is your friend.

This is what wiki did to youth lol, they expect everything to be there on one page with little to no effort whatsoever.

Way back in my day we had to go to something called the library. And im only freaking 24 years old xD
