thanks darren for a great meeting. your tanks coming along great. when your sea fans get bigger Id like to frag a piece!
thanks to steve at fish paradise for another great donation. (michael won the dts phytoplankton, timmy won some oyester eggs, and I forget who won the other oyester eggs.)
We got to preview the expo flyer, and hopefully will have copies made soon to start getting to work.
We had 3 new members at the meeting today ( im sorry ive forgotten there names.) welcome and feel free to ask all your questions guys.
after the meeting we went to brandons to see the new system. WOW!!
If my corals could see all that technolgy theyed never look at me the same way again. Your system looks awesome brandon, and Im sure it will inspire everyone who sees it to improve there own systems in some way. you spent the time and now its time to reap the benefits.