anyone dealt with these?

I have ordered from them numerous times and really like them a lot. They stand behind their guarantee without having to jump through hoops.

That fish is very cool, in fact I would like to get some too. I think they may be related to pipefish, though not sure. Winyfrog would know if they are or not. Besure your tank is done cycling before moving on to fish!
That is a cool looking fish. I like the idea that it does good with a urchin. I don't know anyone that has one. Seeing your tank is still cycling I would keep researching all the fish you want. Also use the compatibility chart. This will give you a idea if the fish you want will get along. Also if you plan on a reef tank make sure all fish are reef safe.
As for Live Aquaria it is a very liable site to order from. I've ordered both fish and corals and gotten great products.
Those are actually in the same family as gobies.
I dont see why there would be any problems keeping them.Just make sure the tanks cycled first.