Any secrets/tips to stacking LR?

I agree with Yote. There's nothing wrong with it laying up against the back glass. A couple powerheads placed in the right locations will get rid of any dead spots. It's usually best to start with the biggest pieces on the bottom, then place the rest of your pieces on top, building upwards. Rotate them and move them around until you find a place where they fit and won't fall over. You can use some epoxy putty for extra strength (you can find it at any hardware store, make sure you buy a brand that is safe for indoor plumbing and/or potable water).
My tank has been up for almost a year now and I still tweak the rock stack fairly often. As you have the tank you probably will too. Search around a little and find a stack that you find appealing and attempt to emulate it. Some people like the tall islands with lots of open sand space others like a lower wall that slants towards the front. Stack it up if you like it cool, if you dont do it over. I actually enjoy doing it but then again I used to be a mason so maybe its in my blood!
My tank has been up for almost a year now and I still tweak the rock stack fairly often. As you have the tank you probably will too. Search around a little and find a stack that you find appealing and attempt to emulate it. Some people like the tall islands with lots of open sand space others like a lower wall that slants towards the front. Stack it up if you like it cool, if you dont do it over. I actually enjoy doing it but then again I used to be a mason so maybe its in my blood!

That's good news to me. I was under the impression that I'd have to leave this stuff alone for it to establish. Right now I have it stacked in the middle, coming to a point a little above midway in the tank. Next Wednesday it looks like another trip to San Antonio for more rock :)
Here's the best I can do for pics, it's from my phone. Let me know what you think, also with light off.
