Any idea of what is happening to my brain ?

I had to go back and look at your phosphates to be sure. Phosphates at .5? I seriously doubt your salt has anything to do with the problem. That brain is a stony coral! Dr R. Shimek, one the foremost hobbyist and marine coral experts has said it only takes phosphates at 0.25 to start killing stony corals! I recently had a little spike in my tank and I saw only some stonies start to get bleachy. If some corals look bad and others look okay you can't rule out phosphates as the issue! Deal with your phosphates!
It's just not the phosphates. They have been at .5 ever since I've had that tank. It's also the low PH and the high calcium. Everything is getting screwed up in there. My calcium has always been stable at 520 before. Now it don't even register after 65 drops. I'm taking a sample of my water to a LFS today to see what they get. If it's different than my readings, I've got a bad kit.
OK, just got back from the fish store.

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.8
Phosphates .25
KH 6 drops 107.4 ppm
Calcium 25 drops 500

So it seems my test kit is bad. I'll be buying a new one. But, the PH was the same as I had. I'll still do the water changes.
OK, just got back from the fish store.

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.8
Phosphates .25
KH 6 drops 107.4 ppm
Calcium 25 drops 500

So it seems my test kit is bad. I'll be buying a new one. But, the PH was the same as I had. I'll still do the water changes.

Good info. So low Ph and phosphates are issues. Cheato is what finally brought my phosphates down to zero. And previous posters may have right. Maybe the salt IS throwing off your Ph.