Any advice?

holy :pooh:, that was funny. Hibye just burned himself and didn't know it. classic!

about the BTA they hate the feel of metal on their foot. take a kitchen knife, just a butter knife or anything not too sharp and firmly place it on the edge of the foot. it will retract. keep inching the knife up the foot until it is off the rock. don't press so hard that you cut it, but it works everytime.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Thats hilarious!!


I'm friggin' HOWLING here!! :toothy12:

How about the "I bought cheap equipment so now I get to buy the right stuff and spend another $500 club" ? I'm not a member of that club. Nope! Not me! I'd NEVER buy a refugium without a skimmer. Or a power compact light "just to get started" ROFLMFAO

I am tempted to buy a hammer or anchor coral for my clown. I've heard they will sometimes host in one of those if an anenome isn't around.
Ok so now I found someone to take my menacing banded coral shrimp- he started attacking my arrow crabs- so he is finally gone, I am going to unload the BTA tomarrow at the LFS- I had to euthanize one of my clowns two days ago because he had a huge worm coming out of him and started to not swim that well- he never did eat either, the other clown used to eat well but since removing the first he has become less active, less interested in the BTA so I have a feeling he might have the same parasite and might be on the way out- it is possible by the weekend I will be back to having a tank with live rock , 2 hermits, 2 arrows- where do I go from here? I do not trust my LFS anymore- yesterday i went into the store and looked at the display tanks - in everyone there was a fish carcass! So I was thinking of letting the tank be for 3 weeks , let it cycle and if any clown parasites still there should die w/o a host and then start over again ordering online from and get a blennie and a new clown- what do you think? I also am going to start a QT tank- Damn I am an idiot- I started this project up intending to do it right and be patient and I have screwed up royally in the matter of 5 days out 80 bucks in live stock
Hey, it happens to all of us at one point or another. Don't sweat it too much. Consider it a lesson learned.

You are right about leaving the tank fish-less for about a month. However, I would not add more than one fish at a time to a tank that size. If you are going to get a new fish, get either a blenny or a clown. Then add the second fish a couple of weeks later. A brand new 14 gallon biocube is just too small to handle an influx of more than one fish at a time, in my opinion.

Starting up a quarantine tank is a good idea for when you get new fish.