Any advice?


Reefing newb
I was real patient on getting my Nano started up- 14 gallons- waited 3.5 weeks with good healthy lve rock w/ lots of growth- actually never got ammonia or nitrite readings > 0, and went to my LFS last week- thats where I made my BIG mistake- I bought two clowns, a banded coral shrimp, and a BTA- I know, I know- shouldnt have done it, the LFS said it would be fine, didnt do enough reseach- now Im stuck with this BTA I am afraid is going to crash any day and the shrimp is terrorizing my clowns- they dont look so happy sitting in a corner- the only thing I am happy with is my two arrow crabs I caught diving yeaterday and 2 little hermits. I called the LFS, they said the would take it back and give me 1/2 price back AS IN STORE credit! What should I do , take the hit? or try to keep the BTA alive- he looks great right now but everything I have read on this site says its only a matter of time before it dies and kills off everything.
Take the hit. If you don't take the BTA back now, it will kill everything in your tank. I also think that arrow crabs will starve in your nano. Arrow crabs are not considered safe around small to medium sized fish, they can kill them and eat them. How big are your clowns in relation to the arrow crabs? Unfortunately, since you caught the arrow crabs diving and brought them from the wild, you cannot reintroduce them back into the wild if you wanted to get rid of them due to the risk of introducing pests or diseases into the wild. You would have to bring them back to the LFS too if you decide not to keep them.

Coral banded shrimp can be highly aggressive also. Some kill fish. Take him back too if he is stressing your clowns out.

Making mistakes is how we learn lessons... I'm sure you will do more research on the animals before you buy them next time.
Oh, and don't believe everything the LFS tells you. Remember, they are a business and are looking to make sales. It is very easy for unscrupulous salespeople to take advantage of new people in this hobby, unfortunately. Keep this in the back of your mind every time the LFS tells you that you "NEED" some product or piece of equipment or that an animal will be fine for your tank. Also remember, that if they sell you an animal and it dies, they know you will probably come right back to them to buy a new one. Don't fall into this trap -- research, research, research before you buy anything, animals or equipment. It will save you tons of $$$$ and stress, and save the lives of the animals who would otherwise be put into an unsuitable environment.
Thanks for the advice- the arrow crabs are tiny and minding there own business- I am having more of a problem with the shrimp- he is like godzilla out there- Damn - How could I be so stupid! I will never go back to that LFS again!
I agree with Biff.
Go ahead and take the hit.Your tank will thank you in the end.

Any time your not 100% positive about an animal or coral,post it here.Were more than happy to help out when we can.
Take the BTA and shrimp back.Maybe when your tank matures a little while longer,you can try a coral instead.Of course that all depends on what and how much lighting you have.Many times clowns will accept a coral as a substitute host although they will be just fine without one.
welcome to the club.the buying somthing thats gonna die tw0 weeks later

LOL! That's the funniest thing I've read all day. We have a lot of make-believe clubs on here (NWKRC, NAAO, AFT, Big Tank Club, Medium Tank Club, Small Tank Club) but the "BSTGDTWL" club takes the cake!
You may have to bring the rock back with him :(

Don't try too hard to get him off, if you pull at it, you may rip its foot which is a death sentence for anemones.
The easiest way to get an anemone to turn loose is to just use your finger tips and very gently work them between the anemones foot and the rock.
:mrgreen:Slimy aint bad,unless its a stinkin slimy.Which would mean he wouldnt have to be gentle cause it would be dead.:mrgreen: