
anthias are great fish, some you should stay away from I have not kept this peticular species but it looks to me like a deep water species in which case is difficult keep. They prefer lower light and cooler water, double check the area that it is collected from.

Otherwise anthias are a schooling fish and you should have at least 3 preferrably 1 male and 5-6 females. (they do change sex) You should feed anthias 2-3 times a day with high protein food (pellets and cyclopeeze work well) and have very healthy live rock (lots of pods) they do better with caves and crevices.
Reef anthias are great fish, and are usually pretty hardy. If it is a deep water species, it won't be compatible with a reef tank.
Anthias are amazing fish... i HIGHLY recommend them.

but yes, there are anthias species who just don't eat or thrive in captivity....
Make sure you got something over the top.Anthias like to carpet surf.Every anthias I've added,decided they'd rather fly than swim.
According to the article, you need a larger tank when you intend to keep a group of them. "a 25-gallon tank will suffice for one fish"