Anthias info?


Reef enthusiast
I"m starting to plan my next (much larger) tank, and saw this:

they look so neat! but the info on their site is somewhat lacking and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with these particular anthias, or just anthias in general. Is it possible to have multiple anthias in the same tank? Will they school, or conversely, will they fight each other?

thanks for the info!
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Ignitus and dispars get mixed together quite often and are often sold as the same fish. They are pretty hardy once you get them eating. As with any anthias, they should be qt'ed and treated with Prazipro for worms before being put in the display.
It's best to try to buy all females and hope only 1 turns into a male. Females for the most part don't bother each other, but males need to establish dominance between them....if you end up with more than 1 male.
Check out our data base at the top of the page, click on database, click on appropirate fish category, click on picture to get some information on the particular fish. I have kept lyretail anthias for 2 years now with no problems. Good luck hope this helps some.
Most anthias mix and match quite well together. You have to try and picks ones that come from compatible environments though (some are deeper water species and don't do well in warm water and high light).
I had 1 jump into my overflow but got it out. I think Yote had 1 jump out and onto the floor and found it dried out.
I have always been curious what the jump rate is like with those ZE tanks? It would be hard for me to place and expensive fish in a tank without a lid...
Anything that will DOES! I've lost dozens of fish. Some I would try and try but after two of one kind, I say no more of this kind. It's a very cool set-up though. Worth the trade off, I think.
Yes I marveled at them when I saw them for the first time about 8-10 years ago at SWSW. They are definitely a unique setup.
I could have guessed! But like I said, I saw them originally many years ago when they were a new delivery to the store. They started nice!