Another Question


Reefing newb
Sorry for yet another question but maybe someone can help me out.

I have tons of microbubbles every where from my sump to to my DT. My Drain line is submerge partially in my tank to reduce splashing. The bubbles seem to start there and get worse after every chamber. Every now and then when I watch the return spout I can see it spewing bubbles into my DT.

What can I do to eliminate this? Do I need to install a bubble Trap? If so where right before my return or after my skimmer chamber?

Currently I do not have Skimmer hooker up if that helps you out with ideas?
Yeah, a bubble trap will help. From what I've read on the forum, if you've got too many microbubbles they can cause problems for certain livestock, so you want to try to eliminate or minimize them.
What kind of return pump are you using? Did it come with a sponge to slide over the pick-up? If not you should be able to get some sponge material from your LFS and ad it between the chambers to help eliminate the bubbles from getting into the pump.
could you show us some pics of your setup (specifically following the bubbles)...might help us figure out where the problem is.
What kind of return pump are you using?

Its a Mag 9.5

Did it come with a sponge to slide over the pick-up?

Yes it did, I just noticed the pick up has a crack in it, I m heading to the store replace the part.

could you show us some pics of your setup (specifically following the bubbles)...might help us figure out where the problem is.

I have a build thread with some photos, I will post more photos once I get home.
Make a trip to Lowes and get a 3/4 90*with male threads.Put it on the intake side of the pump so that its turned dow toward the bottom of the sump.That should help with the bubbles getting back into the tank.
Ok here are some photos of the bubbles trip through my set up.

Sump Drainskimmer section.webp
Here is where the water spews into my sump
sump fuge section.webp
Fuge Chamber minus Macro and Live Sand
Return Section Sump.webp
Return Pump chamber heading back to tank
return with bubbles.webp
Here is the return line spraying into the tank
Bubbles in tank.webp
Here is the small section of tank that has bubbles

I hope this helps, I will try a filter sock and putting the 90 elbow on the return.
Well LFS had no filter socks small enough for what I needed they were huge. So they gave me blue filter media and said to try that for now. Installed it about an hour ago and cleared the bubbles from DT. Bubbles are back. Not as many though so thats a start I guess.
Well thanks everyone I redesigned my sump with to this one here in my photo and I am getting no microbubbles. Thanks Yote and PRC!New Sump 002.webp