another question


Reef enthusiast
How do you all acclimatize your coral? I've always treated them the same as fish, over an hour or so. However, I've been told by more than a few that as long as my parameters are the same, and temp is within a degree or two, you could just move em over?
i just drip mine until the initial water level in the bucket has doubled and then i give them an iodine dip and then into the tank they go
I drip untill salinity and temp match the tank.Then a 30 minute soak in Lugols Solution.
Your right Dustin,its 40 drops per gallon of saltwater.
Huh. Too much work. I just put them directly in my tank. Never lost a coral yet. Of course, I did get a shitload of flatworms at one point, probably from not dipping in iodine, but, eh... part of the game, right?

I have moved corals back and forth from my tanks without ever acclimating. I just did it with my open brain. Just took him out of the sump of the big tank and stuck him back on his rock in the reef. Just me tho
