Another question, this time about fish count

Maybe an amazon link or a online something?
That's just another 200$ or so and I went over a good bit already with getting the style and stand that matched my fiancé decor..
You can get started w/o a skimmer and add one later when you have funds. Aqua Remora makes decent hang-on skimmers, and reef octopus are always a favorite around here. Generally speaking, it is better to have no skimmer than a cheap skimmer.
+1 skimmer needed this early in the stage. Besides, there would be noting to skim :D In face, some peolpe have gone skimmerless in their tanks. They're not necessary, but they are very helpful. So take your time and find a proper one.
I want it to be tomorrow....
It's weird that I am excited to buy "rocks".

Rocks, sand and water go in tomorrow.... Yay!!!
Just wait till you stare at those rocks for hours lol, i did it for a while, and i still catch myself doing it sometimes.
I love seeing new people so excited!!!

Also... for the record... cleaner fish count in freshwater, too. :)
couple pics


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Welcome to Cloud city...
man adding that rock moved around the argonite and kicked up some clouds.


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YES!!!! PICTURES!!! :D Is that a RIO HOB skimmer, or a filter? Because if it's a filter, I would return it and get a skimmer. Those are nitrate factories. You can use it, though, for circulation. Just take out the filter. Are you going to have a sump?
It's a filter from my freshwater tank... Just want circulation atm... Especially with the clouds.
As I stated before... My Hob skimmer fell through... So looking for one currently.
That dood had some awfully large rock pieces stacked on top of each other. That didn't help the situation. Every aquarist's nightmare.
Well.... That made me spend another hour and a half redoing all my rocks.... Thanks!
Ammonia shot up for a day (maybe a hair longer only tested once a day) to about .5
Nitrites shot up a BUNCH (don't have my numbers am at work) about 2 days later, Day 3 ammonia was down to .15 ish (indicator shows 0 and .25 it was in the middle ish) and nitrites halved.

day 4 ammonia at 0, nitrites 1 line up the indicator (don't remember numbers) nitrates 0

Sunday morning 0 ammonia, a fraction of a shade nitrates, 0 nitrites, and ph is a hair low right around 8.1 (it hasn't moved and I was told it wont really move with out a bioload) same sunday afternoon
yesterday morning while I was at work fiance checked... same numbers...
came home, same... went and got a small cleanup crew. nothing changed as of last night and will check again once I get home.