another coral question?????


Reefing newb
i have started to add corals to my tank

my starter was a nice 6" x6" rock covered in zoos

it is doing well on the bottom of the tank
however, i have a very cool sand sifting goby that tends to leave his sifted sand whever he feels like, and it tends to end up on my zoo
not completely covering it or anything but there non the less

will this hurt the zoo?
if they get covered it will hurt them, try moving them. i got rid of my sandsifting gobie cause kept dumping sand everywhere on all corals.
A little sand isn't going to be too bad for them, but more than a little sand isn't going to help them. Moving them onto a rock would definitely be a good idea if they are getting sand on them, plus they will spread to the rock they are on.
I agree with what others have said, being covered in sand can irritate the zoas enough to stay closed (and then they'll die). Try moving them up to where the goby will have less of an impact.
Congratulations on your first addition.
My zoos do great on the top 1/3 of the tank.
When you water change, you should take a turkey baster and blow the debris of of them (and from around them) to keep them from getting irritated.
I spot feed mine and they got HUGE & COLORFUL. I use Cyclop-eeze and mysis combinations with good success.

Good luck!
i think i will try moving it up in the tank tonight
problem is the rock they are on is shaped like an upsidedown pyramid so it is a challenge to get it stable

piggy my zoos are mostly light purple with a purple skirt, but there is a patch of red ones growing, as well as a patch of green ones

one other question
i also added a green star polyp
it has finally started to open up, but my hermit crabs alwys seem to crawl on it, will this hurt the coral???
Hermit crabs shouldn't be too much of a problem, unless they start eating the coral, which I've never heard of but it might be possible.
i guess i will just keep an eye on it
i was thinking of getting rid my 4 green chromis
i might post them on here and give them to someone starting a new tank

i would like to get a hippo tang, but i think 10 fish will be too many
Three colors on one rock is pretty good. Got any pics yet? As for the hermits I would keep a eye on them if they keep bothering the coral I would try moving it or throw the hermit in the sump.
I would not suggest going any higher than half way up with Nova Extreme Pro's as they are a pretty intense light. I do not recommend hermit crabs. Their only need is to keep things in check that the tank owner fails to manage or prevent (algae). It is best to do what is needed to not have a reason to buy them. They eat kill snails, they pester corals which caused stress (stressed corals grow slowly if at all) and at times knock things over and down. They also play havoc with float systems. I, one who doesn't put fish in a tank with my corals, would put a Tang in my tank before even considering hermit crabs (or any other crab). But that is just me and, that is just what I recommend.