Another coral dying?

That phosphate is extremely high. My question is...where is it coming from? What are you feeding and how often? Is RO/DI water being used?

Have you tested alk? Do you add ANY supplements?

What are you calibrating the refractometer with?

I've never had a test kit for phosphates so, who knows how long I've had this problem. Up until last week I was only feeding about 1/2 a cube of frozen food every 3-4 days and a piece of algae sheet every other day. About a week ago, I upped the frozen feedings to every other day as well. I'm not using RO/DI yet, I'm waiting on a booster pump for my unit. But, I've been using distilled water since it's been set up. I don't have a test for alk, should I get one? And I haven't added any supplements, didn't think my tank needed anything yet other than water changes.
IMHO,ALK tests are one of the more important tests to run,even in a tank thats just got soft corals in it.
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I'm just along for the ride..I have nothing to add,but i'm learning ....good luck Brian
Thanks nemo
They should have the API kit.This is it.Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Freshwater/Saltwater Carbonate Hardness (KH) Test Kit
Just count the drops to get the DKH.
Oh crap, the DKH test, I've got that one it's in my reef master test kit
Also, don't know if anyone else has asked this yet....have you had any temperature spikes in the tank recently? Either too high or too low?
I did have a small spike when my ac went out but it only went up about 3 degrees
I doubt a 3 degree spike would cause that much trouble.Unless it stayed above 83 or 84 for an extended time.
That hairy mushroom looks like it is trying to split. Mine looked like that for a few weeks and it actually ended up splitting into 5 or 6 new ones. They are still on the small side, but keep the water parameters good and you should have a few new mushrooms
I think (hope) BJ may have been right, the tear down the middle seems to be progressing further through the mushroom. But, the two sides seem to be inflated more today. It's split about halfway through already, so hopefully in a week or so I'll have 4 hairy mushrooms and no more coral deaths :bounce:

I'll still post my Alk results when I test tonight to see what you guys think.
Here's a pic of it's progress

Thanks Yote, I'm surprised it happened soo quick. It has fully split now! Now, I'm wondering, should I try and frag the mushroom? I've got four hairy mushrooms on a piece of rock rubble about 2"x2". I want them to have room to grow out and expand
I'd call that one a personal choice.
Wont hurt anything by fragging it,but leavening it alone wont either.
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You sure something didn't fall on it to make it split like that.It's kind of unusual for those big rhodactis mushrooms to split like that.I had some for like 6 years that grew to a foot in diameter but never split on their own.

The shrooms may explode,send the rics,froggy and zoas to me for safe keeping,jk.
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You sure something didn't fall on it to make it split like that.It's kind of unusual for those big rhodactis mushrooms to split like that.I had some for like 6 years that grew to a foot in diameter but never split on their own.

I agree -- I have 100+ of those exact same shrooms, and they all started from one. They don't split like that either -- they stretch a little bit of the flesh out from the foot and create a baby mushroom, which then grows into a full-sized one.
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You sure something didn't fall on it to make it split like that.It's kind of unusual for those big rhodactis mushrooms to split like that.I had some for like 6 years that grew to a foot in diameter but never split on their own.

The shrooms may explode,send the rics,froggy and zoas to me for safe keeping,jk.

Nope, nothing has fallen on it, it's in the middle of the sand bed away from everything. Actually now that I think about it, about a week before this all happen my large clown started hosting it. And right where she rubs is where it split