Anemone ?


Reefing newb
I have had my anemone for about 3 weeks now and it seems to be moving around alot. It cant seem to find the right place in the tank and i will find it upside down and inflating alot. Is this normal? Thanks, J
what kind do you have? Anenomes will move if they can't find a place they like. They also do inflate and deflate quite often.

How many watts per gallon do you have and how old is ur tank?
what kind of lighting? that's 5.4 watts per gallon, most say you need 8 watts per gallon for it to thrive. Yours may make it, but no guarantee.

How old is your tank? It should be atleast 6 months old
Underwaters right.My Bubble tip decides to move at least once a month.If they dont like where their at,they just and take a hike.
Also right about the lighting.But there is a catch there.If your running T-5s then your alright.But if not,then your on the low side but not that bad low.You really need at least 6 watts per gallon though.

So the big question is What type of lighting are you running?
also, if you find your anemone moving around a lot, it is sign they are unhappy and if they cannot set down in a spot to grow, it can stress them out and die. I killed a bunch of condis when I was new to the hobby and they moved all over the place, finally dying - it really messed up my tank, sending an ammonia spike that killed almost everything. Be careful.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Says in your sig, unless you didnt change it for a LONG time that you've been in the hobby a month, and youve had the anemone for 3 weeks? that could be the trouble..
I have had my anemone for about 3 weeks now and it seems to be moving around alot. It cant seem to find the right place in the tank and i will find it upside down and inflating alot. Is this normal? Thanks, J

so what type of lighting do you have?

Florescent? Power Compact? T-5? Metal Halide?