Anemone Light Requirement?


Reefing newb
Once I get my 14 gallon cycled and it's ready to go, I eventually want to have an anemone in it if that's possible. I plan on going with a 72watt T5 at the moment which gives me 5 watts per gallon. Is that enough for one in that size tank with that light? Should I try to put more light in it and if so, recommendations?
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I am going to bet a MILLION dollars that everyone is going to say NO

72w/14gal = 5.14 watts per gallon

I think different anemones take different amounts of light what kind do you have in mind? I would research the kind you want and see if you can get a consensus of what the bests watts are for it.
Don't really have one in mind really. I'm just shooting ideas around right now and thought I'd get a general idea of what I'll need to put one in it.
Also you probably shouldnt add one for a while. Anemone's tend to survive more in established tanks. Normally they die in new tanks which sometimes results in killing everything else you may have in there.
I knew someone would say that. I did say eventually. I'm not going to just drop one in and see what happens.

I told you! LOL where is my million bucks?

I have 2 condylactis anemones that came with my TBS shipment and so do a couple other people on there that I have read and they do just fine in newer tanks because they are supposedly more hardy.

I have had mine now since Friday so to early to say but they seem to be very happy. They are weird creatures though.

I got home today and both of them were shrived up and brown I was sure they were dead and freaked out but I did some searching and its normal. I left them alone and 2 hours later they are both huge again.

They arent known to really host clowns though if that is what you are want to do. They are very pretty I have a purple one and a white one with purple tips.


I will have a clown or two but that'll be it for fish. Whether they host it or not isn't a big concern to me though. I will need a reef compatible one though since I do want other corals and some kind of snails/crabs or whatever else in there. If it's too hard to find one that will co-exist with other corals, I may just nix the idea all together cause I do want a lot of color in this small tank.
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I think you'll be ok lightwise. If you're not concerned with your clowns hosting you could look at either mini-maxis or rock flower anemones. Otherwise you could try a small BTA, any other nem would grow way too large for a 14g tank.
Yeah, I definitely want multiple corals in it as I think anything less is just too plain and boring. Then again, a couple clowns, a lot of rock and a big old bubbly thing floating around where ever it wants may be nice too. What to do?!
I've clowns host shrooms like biff said.Have also had them host frogspawns,hammer corals,and a large toadstool.Right now the smallest of our three false percs is hosting a large patch of GSP.happy tanks to ya
You could always go with a hairy mushroom or something while your tank is maturing and get the nem after a year.