
no it is over 5 weeks, cycle is done. i added some live rock last night with coral, as well as added a T5 light. i was thinking that maybe the HO light had something to do with it
Really you are in the 1st 5 weeks this is probably part of your big cycle still, they can cycle for a while. Ammonia is harmful to anything I am pretty sure? How much stuff do you have in your tank 5weeks you shouldn't have to much?
Really you are in the 1st 5 weeks this is probably part of your big cycle still, they can cycle for a while. Ammonia is harmful to anything I am pretty sure? How much stuff do you have in your tank 5weeks you shouldn't have to much?

+1 Seattle
When you added new rock you probably had some micro life "die-off" and dump ammonia in the tank. Any time ammonia gets into the tank at a readable level you get a mini cycle.
i got some mushrooms and something what just poped up, looks like a tree, has grown almost 3 inches in 2 days. kinda red.brown, orange ish, in color. there are some spores also that came on the rock
the guy at the local did scrub the rocks in some places, that might be the reasoning behind gthe spkie.
Can you send us pics? 3 inches in 2 may be an alien. At that rate it'll be over 500' tall in a year. We better find out what it is.:D
Yeah ammonia is bad. I had one ammonia spike a month ago or so that lasted a day and I could tell my fish were slightly distressed by it. It wasn't a big spike either. I'd have to say keep on top of water changes even if you have to do it every day untill it gets back to zero. I'll like nitrite and nitrate ride a bit..but I don't screw around when it comes to ammonia.