Am I about to have a cycle? Help!


Reefing newb
I have a couple of small sponges (maybe the circumference of a nickel) which aren't doing so well after we transported the tank. We didn't know they were there and so with the new lighting schedule, either that or the fact that during the transport they were exposed to air. They are usually a tan color and now, a week later, they're starting to turn darker....since yesterday it's much more pronounced.

My question is, I can't tell if the sponges are dying, but if they are, how fast do I have to get them out before to prevent a cycle?

Sponges will die if they are exposed to air even for a few seconds. But they will come back. They are filter feeders and usually prefer to live in the shade. They probably will not cause a cycle, but some sponges do release toxins into the water when they die. You can usually easily peel them off with tweezers.
Thanks a ton!

So if they're turning darker is that a sign of impending death?

Also, if there are 3 sponges in there (that I can see) do I need to go ahead and remove them all just in well as remove all the coral and inspect them and remove any and all sponges?
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