All my fish died, what now?

Testing the water for that stuff before you add it to your tank is a good idea. That way you know exactly what you are getting. As for buying the lights from the fish store, it's better to just order them online. Stuff like that is usually twice as expensive if you get it from a store. And why do you want to keep giving this guy your money anyways? Look at how much you've spent in his store, all to have it end up dead because of his bad advice. I would seriously advise against going back to that store.
Hers another light you might want to look at:
T-5 Aquarium Lighting: Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/Lunar Lights

I ran the 432 watts fixture on my 55 and running it now on my 75 with anemones and SPS corals.It dont have the individual reflectors,but its a great light.

What did you use to treat the ick?
If it was a copper based medication,then you'll have to completely replace your sand and rock,and possibly the entire tank if you want a reef.

Hate that your having so much trouble getting started,but you've come to the right place for advice and help.

Welcome to the reef BTW.