

Reefing newb
I cleaned my tank yesterday because I was getting a lot of green algae build-up on the inside of my tank. I woke up this morning and again had a lot ( I mean a lot) of algae build-up on the inside glass? Any clues? This never happened before. I would get algae after about 2 wks of not cleaning, but never this fast.
check your water parameters...especially phosphates.. is the tank recieving ligth from a window?? you have a good cleaning crue like snails and urchins??
My tank now, 40 days old, has a fast green algea growth, is it most likely cause it's new and still maturing? i dont have a phos test yet but it is next on the list.
I can't do anything but echo what the other's before me have already said. Tell us your water param's...especially phosphates. Most algae problems are the results of phosphate. Water kind of water are you using? What kind of food are you feeding? If your using tap water, you could be getting phospate from there, and flake food is another good source of phospates.
Phosphate,nitrate,and lights all fuel algae growth.
Could be from over feeding,dirty filter media,not enough maintance.
A little more info would help.