

Reefing newb
hi dalton my tank was doing good but now i have green and brown algae all over and my rock are all brown what should i do

How long has this tank been set up?
Where are you getting your water?Tap or RO/DI?
What do you have in the tank fish wise?
How much,how often are you feeding your fish?
Are you using flakes,pellets,or frozen foods?
How much and how often are you doing water changes?
What kind of additives are you using?

A PH of 8.8 is to high and something is causing it to be that high.Thats why I asked about additives.
my tank has been 1 set up water tap but put water treatment live rock and 2 damsel and 1 wrasse 2 times i feed flakes water changes 2 weeks but it's been 3 i use prime
in the beginning you definitely want to do a 10-15% water change every week. This will also help with the algae control. Stop using flake foods and try to get some frozen foods.
Yeah, I was getting bad crap because of my tap, once I switched to RODI, it cleared up a lot.
Don't rush it, either; my diatom phase lasted about 2 weeks then cleared out overnight..