Algae Problem Help Please!!


Reefing newb
So I've had my tank setup for about 3+months now. When I first added the live rock and sand I got the typical brown algae growth that eventually dissipated. I have since added 2 blue/green chromis, several hermit crabs and a snail, along with 2 cleaner shrimp. Unfortunately the cleaner shrimp both died. One lasted about 3 weeks and the other about 5. Everything else seems to be doing quite well. Until about a week ago. I seem to be getting a regrowth of brown algae and its getting quite long in some places, I have my lights on a regular timer, try to avoid over feeding and just did a 25% water change 2 weeks ago and all of my water parameters seem to be ok. I started running a UV lamp days ago hoping it might help, and it cleared up the water (which was a little cloudy) but hasnt seemed to stop the algae. I'm not sure what might be causing the problem/what I can do to fix it. I don't really have much of a cleanup crew, could it just be a lack of custodians? Should I order a crew? Amy advice would be greatly appreciated.


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That is Cyano-bacteria ( red slime ).
So lets start with the basics. Some things we need to know before we can help.
Water parameters. Actual numbers
PH ? ( both morning reading and evening )
Calcium ?
Alkalinity ?
Filtration type ?
Water flow ?
What your feeding and how much ?
Water type. Tap or RO/DI

One thing I can tell you right off the bat. Step up your water changes and siphon out as much of the cyano as possible.
On a side note, you should have many snails. Not just "a snail". Check out and pick up a clean up crew, maybe one for a 15 or 20 gallon since you'll get a ton of them and ordering a crew for a 45 maybe too many.