what kind of lights and how old are bulbs, bad light spectrum can cause algae problems and get a tds meter or find someone who has one and test your ro water. make sure you have enough flow in tank just enough to move sand a little and surface water is mixed up good for gas exchange. what kind of skimmer do you use and cut your lights back some if you have to i run actinics for 10 to 12 hours and all the lights for only 5 to 6 hours. Once a week i only run actinics cause you know it isn't always sunny in the ocean helps with algae growth and power bill to. Since this year i added sumps with a refugium in each under both my tanks with better skimmers not hang on models and finally no algae since i've started this hobby. try using something other than phosguard i switch back and forth from phosban(iron oxide) to phosguard(aluminum oxide). also your sig shows a 46 gal bowfront how many fish do you have in there and hopefully your not using dt's and if so use very little for some reason people using dt's had problems with hair algae also. we need a check list of what all you got as far as equipment, filtration, food, and stock in your tank so we can find out what is causing your algae problems cause you should have to use phosphate removers or carbon all the time its actually not good to use constantly.