Aiptasia or Feather Duster?

I got another critter popping up. BTW, I read the sticky about common pests and hitchhikers, but I'm still not sure. I will get a pic up if I can get the little booger to come out again, but it is tiny so not sure how a pic will come out.
It's about 5-6 hair like things on my rock. When I touched it, it sucked back into the rock. I don't see a tube, it actually went back into rock. I'm leaning more toward it being aiptasia, but the picture on the sticky looked like it has thickers arms and what I have is hair like. Could the tube be in the rock? Anything else that will retract when touched?
I'm not sure; really hard to tell without a pic (but you knew I was going to say that!)

Aiptasia and majano anemones come in a lot of forms -- some have thicker arms than others. The tops of feather dusters actually look like feathers. And there would be a tube somewhere.
Got a pic! I actually am thinking I got both maybe. 1st pic I think is aiptasia. 2nd pic I took the rock out of tank to see it better and the white dots all over it are tubes down in the rock. After I put the rock back in tank, 2 things popped out. The one I got the pic of and another next to it that I couldn't get a pic of because of the angle. I'm almost certain it is a feather duster though. I looked different. Way more tips and it looked feathery.
Also, got something else. Wooboy are the critters coming out! 3rd pic I'm almost certain is digitate hydroid. One of my turbo snails was creeping across the rock and they were going nuts.
What do you all think? I'm thinking maybe I'm just gonna ditch these couple rocks or is there another option?


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1 - aiptasia
2 - ??? can't tell
3 - kinda blurry, can't tell
Okay, so 1 aiptasia, 2 sorry pic not good but the white dots are tubes and it's the same rock with aiptasia. I'm gonna try getting some red leg hermits and peppermint shrimp and hope they take care of it.
3 sorry I couldn't get a pic that wasn't blurry because they keep swaying around. If they are digitate hydroids and I'm thinking they are because I can't find anything else that looks like them how do I get rid of those. Are they really bad?
If they are hydroids, your best bet is to kill the rock they are on. They are very difficult to remove while still in the tank.