I'll tell you what, if you wanna help me with the cost of gas, i would consider making the 3 hour run to houstin to help you on a weekend if you wanna.. I'm in seguin, just down I-10 from you.
This is probably what yours will look like underneath. Those bulky circular pieces are unions, it allows you to disconnect your PVC at those points. If you plumb everything without unions, you'll have to cut your PVC to take it apart, and that's no fun, so always use unions wherever you think you need them. A union on your return line, right above your return pump, for example, will allow you to disconnect the pump for maintenance or replacement.
yep, gotta agree that unions, or some form of a disconnect, is a good idea...
in my case, i dont have any hard PVC in my system, i'm using all clear 5/8ID plastic flex tubing, so my disconnects are just the barbed fittings with locking clamps...
Yes when putting together your plumbing, build it with the idea that you will take it apart to clean things, replace things, etc... Take the time to place connections and valves where you can also get to them easily. A lot of people build their plumbing only to rebuild it later. Proper planning will help to prevent that!
About whether the second hole is for the return line or not, I'd have to see a picture to be sure. It would be inside the overflow tower, so you would not get the return water shooting up through the sand. You would still need to extend it with PVC over the edge of the overflow tower and back into the tank.