

living it up
my friends tank crashed and i adopted these two guys. i dont know what type but they are over 3 inches.more pics soon.could not get any pics of the lighter one.


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Have you read up on the proper care of seahorses? They have different needs than other fish and probably won't fare well in your tank with the clowns and chromis. They also require much lower temperatures than your typical reef tank. I suggest you do some research and take steps to either set up their own tank for them or take them to an LFS that can house them in the proper environment.
Considering your history with fish and seahorses, you should find these guys a new home ASAP.

But they look like h. eretus, which I am assuming you collected locally.
I'm not going to argue but I do take that to not going to keep them I've had good luck with breeding and keeping them I don't want to set up another tank.there going to my lfs today
Considering your history with fish and seahorses, you should find these guys a new home ASAP.

But they look like h. eretus, which I am assuming you collected locally.
They weren't collected not collecting seahorses anymore just crabs when I need some.i don't have enuff time to collect anymore.I could use my qt for them but don't want to.