I've never had to show my ID when buying superglue. Maybe it depends on the store and/or the amount you buy? I usually only buy a few tubes at a time, but if you buy a 100 pack, maybe they'll check your ID.
Sudafed is the only thing that works for my allergies. It sucks having to wait in a line to buy it, then show your ID, then fill out the paperwork!! AND if it happens to be after regular pharmacy hours, forget about it! You have to come back to the grocery store or drug store the next day during "pharmacy business hours". AND ALL I WANTED WAS A DAMN 12 PACK OF THE PILLS!! I mean, let's use some common sense here. Meth heads have a certain appearance to them, and probably are not only buying 12 pills at a time. And it's pretty obvious when someone is having allergy problems.