
Now they will check my ID every time I buy coleman fuel for my camp stove.Also have to fill out a form complete with intended use,how much will be used,name,birthdate,SS number.Its easier to but a gun than campping fuel.
Yep we need a junkie hunting season, open all year round closed on sundays and holidays. There should be safe havens 12 step programs, churches, and 28 day programs will be off limits. Other than that all is fair. Psuedoephedrine and anhydrous ammonia stations under lightpole stands would work great.
I've never had to show my ID when buying superglue. Maybe it depends on the store and/or the amount you buy? I usually only buy a few tubes at a time, but if you buy a 100 pack, maybe they'll check your ID.

Sudafed is the only thing that works for my allergies. It sucks having to wait in a line to buy it, then show your ID, then fill out the paperwork!! AND if it happens to be after regular pharmacy hours, forget about it! You have to come back to the grocery store or drug store the next day during "pharmacy business hours". AND ALL I WANTED WAS A DAMN 12 PACK OF THE PILLS!! I mean, let's use some common sense here. Meth heads have a certain appearance to them, and probably are not only buying 12 pills at a time. And it's pretty obvious when someone is having allergy problems.
yeah but baking soda and and commit are used to help the grains of cocaine bind together to make crack so it can be smoked and in my opinion smoking commit is worse for your body then cocaine is
yeah but baking soda and and commit are used to help the grains of cocaine bind together to make crack so it can be smoked and in my opinion smoking commit is worse for your body then cocaine is

Try telling that to a crack whore.Those people dont care what their smoking,or taking as long they get high.
Wow......and to think this all started because I asked what adhesive to use on my I agree though about the garbage you have to go through to buy meth and crack.......oops I mean glue and allergy meds.

Note: no drugs were consumed during the writing or posting of the thread.