

This is my reef club....
What should I use to glue the glass panes into my DIY 50gal sump I am building. I get the glass this week and need to pick up the silicone or some type of adhesive.
This is my first sump build.
Yep, make sure you DO NOT use silicone that has any antimold/antimildew/antibacterial/antimicrobial additives. The big tubes you can find at any home improvement store will work just fine.
Thanks for all of the help on the adhesive. Here is the outcome. I hate silicone:grumble:........ just thought I should share that!!!! If you look to close at the pict then you might think I love it.

also included a pic of the 165 filled for the first time. I am leak testing it today.

Tell me what ya think.
Smells great in my house. Guess I should have built it outside. Oh well!!! Planning on scraping the paint off of the side glass. any good suggestions on that? Should I just use a razor and try not to damage the seams? My wife hates the black on the sides but is very excited about the way the tank is turning out. Thanks for the help so far everyone. Thanks for the compliments on the tank and the sump also.
I have enjoyed many of your threads.
Yep,Just use a razor blade and be mindfull of the silicone seams.Once you get it started,the paint should peel off fairly easy.
You have the right idea with the razor blades.Great job on the sump,good luck and post more pics as you go along.

Biff'a a silicone junky...ya?