Added fish - too much?

I have lost 6 chromis now total so I feel your pain. I have also done a lot of research, these fish are often caught with cyanide, as mentioned previously and handled roughly. If you do a google search on chromis there are many, many stories of people buying a school only to have them slowly die, one at a time in their tanks, either from bullying or their rough capture. Cyanide poisoning ruins them and while they will eat and eat they cannot get nutrients so they starve, oftentimes you can see discolorations and problems begin with their bodies as they "break down." I think many are having poor luck with them recently.
I have lost 6 chromis now total so I feel your pain. I have also done a lot of research, these fish are often caught with cyanide, as mentioned previously and handled roughly. If you do a google search on chromis there are many, many stories of people buying a school only to have them slowly die, one at a time in their tanks, either from bullying or their rough capture. Cyanide poisoning ruins them and while they will eat and eat they cannot get nutrients so they starve, oftentimes you can see discolorations and problems begin with their bodies as they "break down." I think many are having poor luck with them recently.

Thanks Sarah - really appreciate your insight. I'm down to one now - he's doing great. But now I don't know if I should add any more fish. If it was "Ich", then at least I would know what I was dealing with. But at this point I'm just not sure. Could have been just a result of adding too many fish at once. Could have been a bully in the group (although I don't think that's the case - this was the most docile of the bunch). Could have been caught / handled roughly like you mentioned. (Would that explain the "hole" that developed on the one I mentioned previously?) Or there could be another factor I haven't even considered. I guess I'll just wait a while, add another (1 :) ) fish, and see what happens.
