
I feed mine all the time. They tend to grow very quickly if they're fed. I feed mine mysis, krill and fortified brine (same stuff my fish eat). They are greedy little SOBs.

They like moderate light and moderate flow, and have the same general requirements as other LPS. They aren't considered difficult. I don't know why yours would be dying. I started out with three little acan frags/colonies, but my large female clown decided she was going to hate on one particular one. She kept kicking it off the rock into the sand, no matter where I'd put it in the tank. Even if I glued it down. Last time I left the state for work, I asked NDB to keep an eye on it, because Clowny was going after it with a vengeance. I came home and found it face down in the sand, flipped it over, and it was covered in brown jelly. I asked NDB, "Didn't you see it? Why didn't you pick it up off the sand?" He was like, "Ohhhh... Sorry..."
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I've got 1 small acan frag and am having a similar problem...I think part of my problem is that I fat fingered him..He's not quite dead yet, but I'm about to call the medics
Calcium, pH, magnesium and alkalinity

It's all got to be relatively stable and somewhat near "normal" parameters. My alk and pH always runs on the low side, but they are both still within acceptable limits.

I feed LPS corals at night, when their tentacles are out.
I wasn't spot feeding them, although I usually feed enough that most of my other LPS get some food anyway...

hmm. Might have been a flow problem-- I only had 2 K4's in the 125 last time I Had an acan die. Also my lights are pretty damn strong, so perhaps they need a more sheltered area?

They usually last a few weeks, then the tissue completely recedes.

my water chemistry is pretty well spot-on about 90% of the time. The SPS's that I have are growing and doing well, and my tests all check out, so I presume it isn't a chemistry issue....
Spot feed them at night with pumps off. I use a turkey baster. If you have crabs or fish that will rob food from the corals, you might have to cover each coral with a bottle to protect them.

I don't know your pumps, so can't tell you if they are not enough or too much.
For them to do alright in my tank,I have to keep them sitting under a ledge so their shaded. They seem to not like a full blast of MH light.
With just 2 K4s,I dont think you have to much flow.Shoot,I got 4 of the #4s and 4 #3s in my 125.:D
I have 2 K3's and 1 K4 in the tank now, and a bigl mag 9 as my return pump. I have another K4 available but it is very tough to keep the sand down with that in the tank.