? About My Skimmer


Reefing newb
I have a Corallife Super Skimmer,and when i shut it down to clean collection bowl it takes a day or so to get back up and running.Is this normal?


WHat are you cleaning the cup with? Water and paper towels are all that are needed. If the skimmer is in sump just let it keep skimming while you are cleanning it.
when I clean my css, it foams right away but doesnt start getting nasty for about 2 days or so.. I have the css65
I don't have that skimmer (I have an Octopus skimmer) but after I clean mine, it usually takes a day or two to start collecting gunk again.

If you are doing regular water changes, you may notice the skimmer doesn't collect as much after a water change because there's not as much crap in the water to skim out.
Mine generally starts skimming again within an hour or two of cleaning. A lot depends on bio load and actual nutrients in the system how the skimmer is configured etc. One thing I have learned about skimmers over the years is if there are no water quality issues or nuisance alga's I try not to agonize over how well or not well its working. A watched pot never boils and a excessively watched skimmer will drive you nuts. They most definatly have a mind of there own.
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